Hypervisor Types VMware Workstation VMWare Tools Post installation steps  VMware Files Snapshot VM Editing Virtual Network Editor
ESXi  create VM in ESXi  vSphere/Web client  Add Domain to ESXi  DRS, HA, VSAN    Networking in ESXi  Redundancy
shared storage  SAN & NAS  iSCSI storage in windows          
 Vcenter install  Create a VM in vcenter  session timeout          
            virtual machine in use:  

Hypervisor Types: A hypervisor is a computer software, that allows to create and runs virtual machines on a hardware.  There are two types of hypervisor

VMWare Workstation 16 Pro:  Installation

ESXi Installation: VMWare vSphere ESXi 7.0

Hostname: ESXi7-01 

Domain: star.local

Hostname: ADC1



Domain: star.local

o/s: windows server 2017

Hostname: vcenter197.star.local




Hostname: ESXi7-02 

Domain: star.local








 ESXI 7.0.3 Host Installation on Bare Metal:

ESXI 7.0.3 Installation on VMWare Workstation:

Shared Storage using iSCSI:

In virtual environment you have multiple ESXi host and in which multiple VMs are created, There is a SAN storage in the network in which LUN (logical unit number) is created and it has to share storage with these ESXi host.  To communicate/attach these storage it required protocols like iSCSI, NFS etc..

LAB: Server 2016 is installed in ESXi, which can be used as SAN storage.

Share storage of SAN using NFS protocol:

LAB: Server 2016 can be used to create storage and nfs protocol to attach LUN to esxi.


Installing a VM (windows) in ESXi host machine:

Post Installation Steps, install the following:

Installing VMWare Tools:

 VM's Files created: Select the VM and go to Actions or right click on VM and go to Edit settings/ find out VM is attached with which Data source. 

Snapshot: It is taken as a backup of VM.  Usually we create snapsot before patching, upgrade or hardware upgrade etc.. so it can be restore if there is any issue.

Snapshot of a VM through Vcenter Server:

Troubleshooting Snapshot Errors:

Create a VM in vcenter

VM Editing:

Upgrade ESXI 7.0.3 to 8.0:

Check url for boot screen delay: https://sportsclinictampico.com/device/how-to-increase-the-vmware-boot-screen-delay/ 

Upgrade ESXi 7.0 to 8.0: https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2022/10/esxi-8-0-upgrade-in-three-ways/ 

Virtual Network Editor: VMWare workstation virtual network editor is used to maintain network configuration (IP address assignment) for VMs.

vSphere for Client Installation: From ESXi 6.0 onward vshpere client is not required to manage esxi, it can be access with webclient.  enter ip address of esxi in browser.

  1. Managing Host with vSphere Clients:
  2. Networking: Adding Port Groups and VMKernel Ports:
  3. Network Traffic and Load Balancing:

Add Domain to ESXi:

Networking: There are two types of networking available in ESXi.

Select the Storage and click Data Store browser/

Go to datastore1 and click Datastore browser: Click on VM

  HP Proliant D380 Gen10 Server:


Redundancy LAB

Networking In ESXI host: Access host in browser, Go to Networking:

Networking In vcenter server: select the ESXI/configure/add networking/switches/add networking, select virtual machine port group for a standard switch,  we already have kernal port (swtich0).

 VCenter Installation: Hierarchy of vcenter.

Session timeout in vcenter server 8:


DRS, HA and VSAN: In VSphere cluster we have three important services:

  1. DRS
  2. HA
  3. VSAN

DRS: Distributed Resource Scheduler

HA: High Availability:


VSAN: It is related with shared storage.  It is virtual storage area network.



DRS: we have two hosts(ESXi1 ( and ESXi2 (, which is connected with vcenter server (, we have 2 shared storage(shared-storage1 and shared-storage2)connected with both esxi hosts.


  1. Shared storage
  2. turn on vmotion:
    1. Go to ESXi1> Networking> VMKernel NIC> click on vmk0 > Actions > edit settings > services and select check box vmotion. save configurtion, 
    2. Perform the above task in second host (ESXI2).
  3. Activate DRS services in cluster> right click and settings > Edit > Activate: it has 3 options
  4. Create vms in the shared storage with 64 bit o/s so that its capacity gets exhausted in either host.  (ex. esxi1)
  5. When resources, cpu or memory exhausted then vcenter will automatically transfer vm into second host ESXi2.  
  6. Click on ESXi2 in vcenter and go to VM and check if there is VM are transferred.





Virtual Machine appears to be in use: When you open an existing virtual machine using .vmx file and get the following error:

Error: This virtual machine appears to be in use. If this virtual machine is not in use, press the "Take Ownership" button to obtain ownership of it. Otherwise, press the "Cancel" button to avoid damaging it.

Configuration file: location.vmx.


  1. Close VMware Workstation.
  2. Delete any .lck or .lock files and/or folders you see, in the directory of the problematic VM.
  3. Run VMware Workstation.
  4. Start the VM using .vmx file.